The Importance of Increasing Gas Production for Energy Independence

The Chairman of the Board of NJSC «Naftogaz of Ukraine» Alexei Chernyshev emphasized the importance of increasing gas production to ensure the country’s energy independence.

Ukraine’s Progress towards Gas Independence

Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko stated on January 25 that Ukraine may possibly start meeting its gas needs independently as early as 2024. The company «Ukrgazdobycha», a subsidiary of NJSC «Naftogaz», announced the opening of two new gas wells producing 550 thousand cubic meters of gas per day at new deposits.

New Gas Wells for Energy Security

«This week Ukrgazdobycha launched two new high-flow wells, which produce 550 thousand cubic meters of gas per day. Both were drilled at new promising deposits,» the company’s statement said.

«In 2023, Ukrgazdobycha launched 86 new wells, and we intend to continue this trend in 2024. Increasing gas production is crucial for strengthening the country’s energy independence and stability,» emphasized Alexei Chernyshev.